Надано огляд зарубіжних публікацій в галузі дослідження та оптимізації суттєво механічних технологічних процесів і відповідних технологічних систем. Метод дослідження — комп’ютерне моделювання з використанням числових вирішень механіки суцільних середовищ. Окреслена область продуктивного використання моделювання. Моделювання є замісником або додатком до експериментального метода. Відзначена структурна складність досліджених технологічних систем, складність та різноманітність взаємодій між елементами. Моделювання найбільше ефективно при розробці нових техпроцесів, використанні матеріалів з незвичайними властивостями, дослідження накопичення змін деталі за умов використання технологічних ланцюжків.
Полный текст:

Ferran A.R. Arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian formulation of quasistatic nonlinear problems / A.R. Ferran.- Barcelona: Universitat Politecnica de Catalunia, 1996. — 134 p.
Buchert J. Sheet metal forming: spring-back of hydro mechanical deep drawn parts / J. Buchert, D.K. Harrison, A. De Silva at all // 4rd European LS-DYNA Conference, Ulm, 2003. — P. E-1-35–E-1-42.
Maker B.N. Input parameters for springback simulation using LS-DYNA / B.N. Maker, X. Zhu // 3rd European LS-DYNA Conference, Paris, 2001, — 10 p.
Lim T. Springback simulation of the Numisheet 2005 benchmark II using DP600 (The effect of using 21 through thickness integration points and using a static implicit finish to the forming simulation) / T. Lim, T. Dietrich // 9th International LS-DYNA Conference, Detroit, 2006. — P. 17-9–17-22.
Oshita F. High efficient and powerful integrated design support system “DYNA-Works” / F. Oshita, O. Kunieda // 6th International LS-DYNA Conference, Detroit, 2000. — P. 16-15–16-20.
Keigler M. Fea-calculation of the hydroforming process with LS-DYNA / M. Keigler, H. Bauer, D.K. Har rison at all //8th International LS-DYNA Conference, Detroit, 2004. — P. 2-15–2-22.
D’Amours G. Warm forming simulation of 7075 aluminium alloy tubes using LS-DYNA /G. D’Amours, J.F. Beland // 8th European LS-DYNA Users Confe rence, Strasbourg, May 2011. — 12 р.
An H. Optimization and sensitivity analysis of numerical simulation of tubular hydroforming / H. An, D.E. Green // 10th International LS-DYNA Conference Detroit, 2008. — P. 17-9—17-20.
Zettler J. Incremental sheet forming- process simulation with LS-DYNA / J. Zettler, H. Rezai, B. Taleb-Araghi at all // 6 LS-DYNA anwenderforum, Fran kenthal, 2007. –S. C-I-9–C-I-20.
Jan F.-C. Simulation of cold roll forming of steel panels / F.-C. Jan, O. Onipede // 6th International LSDYNA Conference, Detroit, 2000. — P. 14-1–14-12.
Dutton T. Simulating the сomplete forming sequence for a roll formed automotive bumper beam / T. Dutton, P. Richardson, M. Tomlin at all // 6th European LS-DYNA Conference, Gothenburg, 2007. — P. 5-103–5-112.
Ma Y. Recent development for metal forming simulation / Y. Ma, N. Ma // 5th European LS-DYNA Conference, Birmingham, 2005. — P. 1-16.
Roll K. Simulation of sheet metal forming- necessary developments in the future / K. Roll // 7th LSDYNA forum, Bamberg 2008. — P. A-I-59–A-I-68.
Chen X. Practical optimization for automotive sheet metal components / X. Chen, O. Ghouati // 6th Euro pean LS-DYNA Conference, Gothenburg, 2007. – P. 4.37–4.46.
Ghouati O. Sheet metal forming simulation- closing the design loop / O. Ghouati, X. Chen // 5 LSDYNA anwenderforum, Ulm 2006. — S. I-I-25–I-I-34.
Pannier S. Increasing reliability of metal forming processes in early design stages / S. Pannier, K. Grossenbacher, M. Liebscher at all // 9th LS-DYNA forum, Bamberg, 2010. — P. C-II-17–C-II-28.
Gokhale A.S. Sheet metal forming in a virtual reality environment using LS-DYNA and neural networks / A.S. Gokhale // 4rd European LS DYNA Conference, Ulm, 2003. — P. E-III-23–E-III-36.
Accotto A. On the optimization of the punch-die shape: an application of new concepts of tools geometry alteration for springback compensation / A. Accotto, G. Anedda, M. Sperati at all // 5th European LS-DYNA Conference, Birmingham, 2005. — P. 1-10.
Dutton T. Tool design for a high strength steel side impact beam with springback compensation / T. Dutton, R. Edwards, A. Blowey // 5th European LSDYNA Conference, Birmingham, 2005. — P. 1-10.
Jemberg A. A method for modifying the forming tool geometry in order to compensate for springback effects / A. Jemberg // 4rd European LS-DYNA Con feren ce, Ulm, 2003. — P. E-III-45–E-III-54.
Raquet J. Concepts to consider tool elasticity in forming simulations with LS-DYNA / J. Raquet,S. Man del, D. Lorenz at all // 7th LS-DYNA forum, Bamberg 2008. — P. C-IV-3–C-IV-12.
Kuroda K. Forming of alloy plate by underwater shock wave of explosive / K. Kuroda, H. Hamada, H. Ha mashima at all // 6th European LS-DYNA Conference, Gothenburg, 2007. — P. 5.127-5.136.
Betrstad T. Formability modeling with LS-DYNA / T. Betrstad, O.-G. Lademo, K.O. Pedersen at all // 8th International LS-DYNA Conference, Detroit, 2004. — P. 6-53–6-64.
Dutton T. Revew of sheet metal forming simulation progress to date, future developments / T. Dutton // 8th International LS-DYNA Conference, Detroit, 2004. — P. 9-1–9-10.
Jurendi S. Deep drawing simulation of -titanium alloys using LS-Dyna / S. Jurendi , S. Gaiani // 8th Euro pean LS-DYNA Users Conference, Strasbourg, May 2011. — 8 р.
Isik K. Analysis of formability of advanced high strength steel sheets with phenomenologically based failure criteria with separate treatment of instability, shear and normal fracture / K. Isik, C. Soyarslan, H. Richter
at all // 8th European LS-DYNA Users Conference, Stras bourg, May 2011. — 11 р.
Samekto H. Finite element analysis of superplastic forming process using LS-DYNA / H. Samekto, K. Roll // 4rd European LS-DYNA Conference, Ulm, 2003. — P. E-II-01–E-II-16.
Borvik T. Finite elevent analysis of ductile failure in structural steel subjected to multyaxial stress states and high strain rates / T. Borvik, O.S. Hopperstad, T. Berstad at all // 3rd European LS-DYNA Conference, Paris, 2001. — 11 p.
Lu H. An improved 3d adaptive EFG method for forging and extrusion analysis with thermal coupling in LS-DYNA / H. Lu, T. Wu // 11th International LS-DYNA Users Conference, Detroit, 2010. — p. 10-37–10-44.
Kulkami P. Influence of the effect of strain rates on springback in aluminium 2024 (ISO Al Cu4Mg1) / P. Kulkami // 4rd European LS-DYNA Conference, Ulm, 2003.– P. E-II-27–E-II-34.
Kim H. The evaluation of crashworthiness of vehicles with forming effect / H. Kim, S. Hong, S. Hong at all // 4rd European LS-DYNA Conference, Ulm, 2003.– P. B-I-25–B-I-34.
Dutton T. The influence of residual effects of stam ping on crash results / T. Dutton, P. Richardson, A. Knight at all // 3rd European LS-DYNA Conference, Paris, 2001, 8 p.
Hartmann S. About isogeometric analysis and the new NURBS-based finite elements in LS-DYNA // S. Hartmann, D.J. Benson, D. Lorenz // 8th European LSDYNA Users Conference, Strasbourg, May 2011. — 10 р.
Borrvall T. Mortar contact algorithm for implicit stamping analysis in LS-DYNA / T. Borrvall // 10th International LS-DYNA Conference, Detroit, 2008. — P. 7-19—7-28.
Volk W. Virtual engineering and planning process in sheet metal forming / W. Volk, P. Charvet // 7th European LS-Dyna conference, Solzburg, 2009. — P. 1–12.
Clarke M. Sheet metal forming simulation and real world tooling / M. Clarke, J. He // 10th International LS-DYNA Conference, Detroit, 2008. –P. 2-27 –2-34.
Hora P. Advanced constitutive models as precondition for an accurate FEM-simulation in forming simulation // P. Hora // 5 LS-DYNA anwenderforum, Ulm, 2006. — P. A-II-1–A-II-74.
Zhu X. A more accurate approach to evaluate material formability / X. Zhu // 9th LS-DYNA forum, Bamberg, 2010. — P. C-II-1–C-II-4.
Wu C.T. New features in LS-DYNA EFG method for solids and structures analysis / C.T. Wu // 7th European LS-Dyna conference, Solzburg, 2009. –P. 1–15.
Wu C.T. The development of XFEM fracture and mesh-free adaptivity / C.T. Wu, Y. Guo, H.C. Lu // 5 LSDYNA anwenderforum, Ulm, 2006. — P.G-I-1–G-I-14.
Lu H. Forging and extrusion analysis with LSDYNA basing 3d adaptive EFG method / H. Lu,C.T. Wu, J. Xu // 10th International LS-DYNA Con fe - ren ce, Detroit, 2008. — P.17-21–17-24.
Hu W. LS-Dyna meshfree interactive adaptivity and its application / W. Hu, C.T. Wu, K. Saito // 11th International LS-DYNA Users Conference, Detroit, 2010. — p. 10-21–10-26.
Wang J. Arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian method and its application in solid mechanics: a thesis for for the degree of doctor of philosophy in the university of British Columbia / J. Wang. — 1998. — 186 p.
Aquelet N. ALE modeling of surface waves / N. Aquelet // 6th European LS-DYNA Conference, Gothen burg, 2007 . — P. 4.9–4.20.
Ganvir V. Prediction of extrudate swell in polymer melt extrusion using an Arbitrary Lagrangian Eulerian (ALE) based finite element method / V. Ganvir, A. Lele, R. Thaokar, B.P. Gautham. — P. 21—28.
Zhuang X. Simulation of sheet metal extrusion processes with Arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian method / Zhuang X., Zhao Z., Xiang H. at all // Transactions of non fer rous metals society of China. — 2008. — v.18. — P. 1172—1176.
Iyama H. Numerical simulation of aluminum alloy forming using underwater shock wave / H. Iyama, K. Takahushi, T. Hinata at all // 8th International LSDYNA Conference, Detroit, 2004. – P. 13-1–13-6.
Ma Q.W. On techniques for simulation effects of cavitation associated with the interaction between structures and underwater explosions using LS-DYNA / Q.W. Ma, D.J. Andrews// 3rd European LS-DYNA Conference, Paris, 2001.–12 p.
Quidot M. Some examples of energetic material modeling with LS-DYNA / M. Quidot // 3rd European LS-DYNA Conference, Paris, 2001. — 9 p.
L’Eplattenier P. An MPP version of the electromagnetism module in LS-DYNA for 3d coupled mecha-nical-thermal-electromagnetic simulations / P. L’Eplatte nier, C. Ashcraft // 11th International LS-DYNA Users Conference, Detroit, 2010. — p. 10-45 –10-60.
L’Eplattenier P. Introduction of an electromagnetism module in LS-DYNA for coupled mechanical-thermal- electromagnetic simulation / P. L’Eplattenier, G. Cook, C. Ashcraft // 9th International LS-DYNA Conference, Detroit, 2006. –P. 17-1–17-8.
Shang J. Numerical simulation and experimental study of electromagnetic forming / J. Shang, P. L’Eplatte nier, L. Wilkerson // 11th International LS-DYNA Users Conference, Detroit, 2010. — p. 10-27–10-36.
Imbert J. Comparision between experimental and numerical results of electromagnetic forming processes / J. Imbert, P. L’Eplattenier, M. Worswick // 10th International LS-DYNA Conference, Detroit, 2008. — P. 12-33–12-44.
Robinson A.C. ALEGRA: An arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian multimaterial, multiphysics code / A.C. Robinson, T.A. Brunner, S. Carroll at all // 46th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit., 7-10 January
, Reno, Nevada.– AIAA. — 2008. –1235.– 39 p.
Arrazola P.J. Finite element modeling of chip formation process with ABAQUS/EXPLICIT 6.3./ P.J.Arrazola, D.Ugarte, J.Montoya // VIII Inter na tional Conference on Computational Plasticity: COMPLAS VIII: E. Onate and D. R. J. Owen , eds.– Bar ce lona: CIMNE, 2005. — 4 p.
Gyliene V. Cowper-Symonds material deformation law application in material cutting process using LS-DYNA FE code: turning and milling / V. Gyliene, V. Osta sevicius // 8th European LS-DYNA Users Conferen ce, Strasbourg, may 2011. — 12 р.
Raczy A. An Eulerian element model of the metal cutting process / A. Raczy, W.J. Altenhof, A.T. Alpas //8th International LS-DYNA Conference, Detroit, 2004. — P. 9-11–9-26.
Akarca S.S. A smoothed-particle hydrodynamics (SPH) model for machining of 1100 aluminium / S.S. Akarca, W.J. Altenhof, A.T. Alpas // 10th Internatio nal LS-DYNA Conference, Detroit, 2008. — P. 12-
Villumsen M.F. Simulation of metal cutting using smooth particle hydrodynamics / M.F. Villumsen, T.G. Fauer holdt // 7th LS-DYNA forum, Bamberg 2008. — P. C-III-17–C-III-36.
Espinosa C. Modeling high speed machining with SPH method / C. Espinosa, J.L. Lacome, J. Limido at all // 10th International LS-DYNA Conference, Detroit, 2008. — P. 12-9–12-20.
Arrazola P. J. Numerical modelling of 3-D hard turning using arbitrary Eulerian Lagrangian finite element method / P. J. Arrazola, T. Ozel // 2008. — 14 р.
Medvedev S. Modeling of welding seam sequences / S. Medvedev, M. Petrushina, O. Tchij // 5th European LS-DYNA Conference, Birmingham, 2005. –P. 1-10.
Medvedev S. Modeling of welded structures residual strains / S. Medvedev, M. Petrushina, O. Tchij // 8th International LS-DYNA Conference, Detroit, 2004. — P. 7-21–7-30.
Schweizerhof K. Improved spotweld simulation with LS-DYNA. –Numerical simulation and comparison to experiments / K. Schweizerhof, W. Schmid, H. Klamser // 3rd European LS-DYNA Conference,
Paris, 2001. — 9 p.
Clarke M. Characterisation and simulation of structural adhesives / M. Clarke, M. Buckiey, J.G. Broug hton at all // 7th European LS-Dyna conference, Solzburg, 2009. — P. 1–9.
Marzi S. Usage of cohesive elements in crash analysis of large, bonded vehicle structures. Experimental tests and simulation / S. Marzi, L. Ramon-Villalonga // 7th LS-DYNA forum, Bamberg 2008. — P. B-I-1–B-I-20.
Matsui Y. Explosive welding of light weight metal sheet / Y. Matsui, M. Otsuka, T. Hinata at all // 8th International LS-DYNA Conference, Detroit, 2004. — P. 8-59–8-66.
Sommer S. Failure modeling of a self piercing riveted joint using LS-DYNA / S. Sommer, J. Maier // 8th European LS-DYNA Users Conference, Strasbourg, may 2011. — 11 р.
Donea J. Arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian methods / J. Donea, A. Huerta, J.-Ph. Ponthot at all // Ency clope dia of Computational Mechanics. Edited by E. Stein, R. de Borst, T. J.R. Hughes. — 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. — P. 1-38.
Khoei, A.R. An arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian finite-element method for cone-car plasticity; application to powder compaction simulation / A.R. Khoei, M. Anahid , A.R. Azami at all // European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering (ECCOMAS 2004), Jyvaskyla, 24—28 july 2004. — P. 1-19.
Jonsen P. Simulation of charge and structure behaviour in a tumbling mill / P. Jonsen, B.I. Palsson, H.-A. Haggblad at all // 8th European LS-DYNA Users Conference, Strasbourg, may 2011. — 14 р.
Maghzian H. Simulation of hydrodynamics of the jet impingement using arbitrary Lagrangian Eulerian formulation: a thesis for for the degree of doctor of philosophy in the university of British Columbia / H.Maghzian. — 2007. — 133 p.
Gaston L. An arbitrary Lagrangian Eulerian finite element approach to non steady state turbulent fluid flow with application to mould filling in casting /L. Gaston, A. Kamara, M. Belle // Int. J. Num. Meth. Fluids. — 2000. –34. — Р. 341-369.
Chittepu B. Deformation behaviour of filled and capped PET bottles in high-speed labeling machine / B. Chit tepu, M. Hormann, U. Stelzmann at all // 7th European LS-Dyna conference, Solzburg, 2009. — P. 1–5.
Li W.-Y. On high velocity impact of micro-sized
metallic particles in cold spraying / W.-Y. Li, H. Liao, C.-J. Li at all // Applied surface science. — 2006. – 253. — P. 2852—2862.
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